Friday, November 30, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Works for me Wednesday
Here is a little trivial one but one that saves steps in the kitchen. We all know how when you are running around trying to cook and your trash can is suddenly full. You have to take the time to take it out (unless you use a grocery bag lol) so to take less time I keep back up bags in the bottom of the can. That way it is 2 fluid steps: Take bag out - sit it aside for hubby to take out lol and then grab bag out of bottom of can and replace it. No going under the cabinet to grab them and trying to get just one out. It works for me as simple as it is.
What works for you? For more you can go to HERE!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Tackle it Tuesday
- The first thing I had to do was get her to pee pee in the potty for the first time because we couldn't seem to make that happen. So I started letting her run around without a diaper and didn't have any luck except a few puddles in the carpet! Then I thought well she usually goes after sleeping so after her nap (with a diaper) I stripped her and sat her on the potty and finally we scored! She got her choice of Halloween candy!
- After she realized she got chocolate for pee peeing we were golden! Well except for pooping we had a few accidents but thanks to the good Lord she hates mess! So once she felt that a few times she was ready to give it a go on the potty. She cried and begged to get off and always says she is cold right before but we had success!
- Our next obsticle was the fact she didn't like using strange pottys and by strange I mean any potty besides her own. A few accidents while out and about seem to have curred her of her fear. Now she even goes at restaurants! (without the potty ring!)
- We had a few casualties - my phone got dropped in the potty, candy got dropped or eaten by the dog.
- Now our last few obsticles are weaning her from needing a reward for pee peeing and pooping in the potty and also, wetting the bed at night. As long as we don't give her anything to drink after 7 we usually do great at night so hopefully we will be good on that front soon. The needing chocolate well we all want chocolate and rewards so I don't how we will cross that one lol.
Thanks for joining me on my journey! I will try to stop posting about it so much lol! What are you tackling today? To see more go here!
PS if you have time how about voting in my poll over on the side for my Christmas card!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Finally Home!
Celebrating 200+ Posts!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
This and That
Friday, November 23, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Soothing the Soul!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
I've been tagged!
1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 random and or weird things about yourself.
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
- I like to watch soap operas. I am currently addicted to Young and the Restless. So I watch it while Anna is napping.
- If I am home alone I tend to sleep on the couch or now I sleep with Anna so I don't have to sleep alone.
- I floss my teeth watching tv.
- I got to watch my daughter when I was pregnant grab her umbilical chord and release when she realized she wasn't getting enough oxygen.
- I like to play my music loud. It doesn't matter if it is country, rock, Christmas music or classical. I like it LOUD!
- I like to sit in the floor. I have to because of Anna but I really like to hang out in the floor.
- I sleep twisted up like a curly pretzel. My legs are on the side and my upper body is on my stomach and my arms are curled up under me. Don't know how or why I started sleeping that way and everyone says it looks uncomfortable. However, I can't go to sleep unless I am like that.
Anna is calling me so I will have to tag people later. If you want to play along leave me a link and I will come check you out and put your link on here!
Funny Stories
Doesn't she sound just adorable or should I say "cute"!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Potty Training Update:
Works for me Wednesday
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Today's Potty Update!
Monday, November 12, 2007
The Me and Mine Meme 100
My real name is Candace
and here is my profile ~ All about me!
I want to be profiled on BlogHer as a family blogger!
I have been blogging since October 18, 2006 and have almost reached 200 posts!
For more information about this meme click this link!
The three other bloggers that I think should be profiled/interviewed are:
Lori @ Queen of Dirty Laundry
Shawn @ Letters to my Daughters
Mary @ Not Before 7
Potty Update:
Monday Musings
Friday, November 09, 2007
Video Friday!
Our first Casualty
If anyone reading this has any fun potty war stories I would love to hear them!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Potty Time
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Tiny Talk Tuesday!
A week or so ago my hubby said "I am going to get some m - i - l - k. (spelling the word milk out). Anna chimes in without any encouragement or anything. I want some milk! Saying the word. Yes I am raising a genius lol. I am sure she heard the m sound and just went with it but still smart cookie huh.
We are potty training (just started) but boy she has picked up that if she goes pee pee she gets cholet (chocolate).
A while ago her words for all food was yumm yumm. She has now figured out that different meals have different names. LunCH - dier and cereal lol. She also knows about snacks. Her favorite snack is a nana or other fruits like gapes and baries. Oh but we can't leave out her all time favorite snack to have with Daddy after dinner p butter.
She enjoys going ouside and looking at all bugs and butterflies.
She is learning her colors. A lot of times they are all black! Other times we get rea, ellow, geen or bown lol.
Toddlers are so much fun! What are your little ones saying? If you would like to see more cute stories go to NB7!
Tackle it Tuesday!
If you don't mind offer up a little prayer for my sanity :)