Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Soothing the Soul!

Being with family has a way of soothing the soul. I don't know if it is because of the peace that you have knowing you are loved or if it is just the feeling of days gone by. Whatever it is, it is just what I needed. I have been feeling slightly stressed lately. I don't know if it is the whole potty training thing (I will update you on that later) or the fact that money is so tight we won't be able to give Anna a lot this year. Whatever it was, it is gone, at least for the moment. My wish for all of you is that during this holiday your soul may be soothed by your loved ones.

*Potty Training Update:

It is going pretty good. We have had a few set backs since we are out of town but all in all it is going well. As long as we have her little potty that sits in the big potty things are golden. So we can't venture to far without taking it with us. I really can't complain though we have had a few accidents but mostly she is doing GREAT!

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Y'all come back now ya here!