Friday night we went to see Sesame Street Live! We went with our friends, Angel and Trooper.

Saturday was just had a nice day. We walked to the park that is about a mile away and let Anna spend about an hour there. Of course some how we ended up keeping an eye on a 5 year old that was out there by himself. It amazes me that a Mother would let her little boy go to the park by himself at 5. We walked back and spent the rest of the day just doing stuff around the house. Chris is cleaning out the garage and I did a few things around the house. Anna pretty much spent the day with her Daddy. She loved working with him and taking things to the dump. She likes riding in his truck!
Sunday was of course church day. We had a fish fry last night to get us ready for Small Groups. We are going to start meeting in small groups on Sunday nights. It will be fun, I think, although we have never done anything like it. If you have, why don't you tell me your thoughts on it. The fish fry was a blast. The kids ran around like crazy and Anna is even starting to come out of her shell. She was waving and talking to almost every one. Which is great for me to see because I have been worried about how shy she is. Hopefully she is finally breaking through that. Of course on the flip side of that I love that she will sit in choir practice with me without causing a fuss and even sit through the preacher talking for 10 minutes.
I remember when I had my first chat session with someone from back home. It was a total mind bender to think of my former classmates married to each other and having babies and careers.