I have been such a slacker where the blog is concerned. We have been busy though so that is my excuse. We have been running every which way getting Chris ready for his mission trip, getting ready for my old high school friend to come to town and for our first small group session with the church to be held at my house. Busy, busy, busy!!!

Friday we went to Chuck E. Cheese with friends after seeing Chris off. We had a blast! She was utterly exhausted by the time we got home and she just crashed. That gave me time to prepare for my friends arrival. I did a little housework and then a friend of mine (Denise) came over and helped me with some yard work. Chris didn't have time to do it before he left because we had monsoon Thursday afternoon. Denise was a Godsend for coming over in the heat of the day to help. After we did the front yard we were burning up so we decided I would do the back yard Saturday AM. We would go to the pool instead! Anna loved watching Denise's 10 year old son at the pool. He was great with her too. He let her play basketball with him with one of those pool sets and even let her use his water gun. Good times!

In the mist of all of this excitement I have decided to break myself of climbing in the bed with Anna. This is something that I have done since we changed her to a full size bed. I would go in to lay down with her and end up falling asleep myself or if I managed to get up then I would lay down with her after I got up to take her pee pee. Now I am letting her lay down and go to sleep by herself. It has been better than I expected but it is still hard. I miss my extra snuggles. I don't get them much during the day any more since she is so busy. I am more than just a mom though. I am a wife as well and my hubby needs me. It is hard to figure out how to spread yourself out and attempt to make them both happy. Oh and I can't forget making myself happy ;) I love the snuggle time with Anna but I have missed that snuggle time with Chris. Ya'll pray for me that I can survive this transition!
Oh, the screwy politics of sleeping. I've been there. Heck. I'm there. Good luck!