The end of last week we finished Anna's swimming lessons, picked up a guy coming home from Iraq, spent time with friends, cleaned house and stayed extremely busy. I have posted here and there but let me recap for you guys.
Swimming lessons ~ Yay we are done lol. Anna did great throughout the process. I am not sure how much more she learned going there but hey she can swim underwater even better (although she still can't pop up to breathe) and she is more comfortable trying to float even though she can't do it just yet. She enjoyed her teacher and her classmates and even asked if we were going to see Megan today.

Picking up Jason ~ It has been great having Jason home again. We went to dinner with him Thursday night and he came and hung out with us Saturday afternoon. He is trying to win Anna's affections again. She is holding out although she is doing better. She didn't hide from him Sunday at church.
Hanging out with friends ~ That is one of my favorite things to do. We had a "party" with Allie after swimming lessons ended. It was fun we had tacos and cupcakes and the girls played hard! They have so much fun together! It is great talking to Shanda too. If I had looked around the church I would have really thought we would be least likely to be friends. She is just so quiet and well I am not lol. I love hanging out and talking with her though. She is quickly turning into a very dear friend. We also had another dear friend over to go swimming. Denise and her two boys. We always enjoy having them over because Anna thinks her youngest (a 10 year old) is the bees knees. You know the equivalent of Patrick Swayze or Tom Cruise in my younger years.
Cleaning house ~ Yuck, I hate this lol. We are preparing for Anna's party and I have a lot left to do. However, I did declutter my living room and put most of Anna's toys in her room. My living room looks so much better for it! I also cleaned behind tables and chairs etc. You know the deep kind of cleaning. I also started on the kitchen although there is more to do in there. I plan to do a little in the house and the yard daily so that everything will be as close to perfect for Anna's party as I can get it.
So this week is going to be a lot of prep work for her party and not as much fun as usual. Although ya'll know that I will squeeze it in there somewhere! So what are ya'll doing this week? I am still looking for great birthday ideas if anyone would like to share!!!
Sounds like things have been going well for you! Anna's party will be fun! Can't wait to see a full report of that. Ilove the idea about the ice cream coupon. That would be less of a trouble than balloons. If one of those puppies pops or gets lose, someone is gonna cry!