Sunday, May 13, 2007


Motherhood definitely has its ups and downs. Right now I am listening to an ultra whiney little girl. Why you ask well simply put because she was expecting to go to church to play with her little friends and her foggy brained Mother can't seem to find her keys. We went to the beach yesterday and had such a great day. Played in the waves and the sand for several hours. Now I have no idea what I did with my keys when we came in. I usually put them in the same spot but apparently I didn't yesterday cause they sure aren't there. So now my punishment is to listen to a whiney toddler on Mother's Day! Ha I feel better now that I have whined about the whiney toddler lol.

So since I can't go to church and I am trying to tune out the whineyness I will tell you about our day at the beach. We got there and had a picnic lunch at the pavilion. It was yummy a little KFC chicken and chips and water with cookies for desert. We went down to the water after that and got settled. Anna wanted to go straight for the water and so I took her down and she liked it but I think it was a little cool for her so we stayed down for a few minutes and then went back to the sheet to play in the sand. I alternated between staying with her and playing in the sand and playing with Lisa and Hunter in the ocean. Jeff didn't like the water at all so he stayed with Anna at sheet playing in the sand. Lisa and I did leave the kids with Chris for a while so that we could go out into the bigger waves. However, High tide was coming in so we had to keep moving our stuff up and finallty ran out of room to move so we started packing up well at this point Anna decided that she wanted to play in the water and we had a hard time getting her to leave. She would run into the waves and giggle and run back up to dry land. It was so cute to watch and very exciting for me. I have always loved water and LOVE swimming so it is great for me thinking she will like it too. Of course I haven't really ever LOVED swimming in the ocean. My first time to the beach I unfortunately watched Jaws so now whenever I get in the ocean I think about all the things in there with me.

Well, we are into full fledged crying for Jeff Jeff so let me go see if I can console a broken heart. Happy Mother's Day!!!

OK Anna is napping so I can continue my blogging WooHoo!!! I want to say thanks to Chris for making the day at the beach possible. He had a rotten week at work and probably didn't want to go but he went anyway because that was what I wanted to do for Mother's Day. So THANK YOU so much for being there for me and taking me to the beach when you had rather be home chilling out. I had a blast and will always remember my second Mother's Day as wonderful!!!

Oh yeah pictures of our day out are in the slide show below here. So much fun!!!

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