Saturday, December 20, 2008

Awesome Christmas Lights!

I have lived in the same area for 12 years and I thought I knew all the cool places to see lights. I found out a week or so ago that I was SO wrong. There is a house that apparently goes all out every year. You set your radio to a certain station and then you can see the lights dancing in time with the music. It is so awesome. I am so excited to have found it - thanks to a friend!!! The first video is 4 minutes and a little bumpy with talking in the background but it is still cool. The second video is a little over a minute and not as bumpy lol. Anna was very wiggly and excited! Check them out and if you want to tell me about the lights in your area I would love to hear about it!


  1. Great lights! We live in the country and don't have too many people go all out like that. We do have some nice displays in town with a lot of inflatables.

  2. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Lovin' the lights. I'm sure Anna was just thrilled with them!

    I've been on a bloggy break, too! Too much to do with the holidays. I hope y'all have a wonderful Christmas and I can't wait to see what Anna gets from Santa!


Y'all come back now ya here!