Then you spread cool whip all over as the icing!
Anna added the sprinkles so she could have her flair on it!
So isn't that just terrible! Of course I left out that Anna's bike was in there and Chris's things from where he cleaned out his old office. Going to the grocery store and not having a place to put the groceries is what prompted this cleaning. It looks so good now that Chris accused me of taking it somewhere to have it detailed! Yes I am THAT good! (When I want to be!!!)
Ok so when you list it out here like that it doesn't look like so much lol. I wonder why I feel like my life has been moving in the fast lane.
Anna is doing great. She is starting to grasp her ABC's. She can point out several of the letters etc. Her counting is still crazy but she can count 3 items. She knows her colors when she wants to and if she doesn't forget about it! She loves to be outside. She would spend all of her time out there if she could. We have been doing yard work and she gets excited when I mention it to her. She also loves to help clean the house. I will have to put her to work later cause the house definitely needs cleaning. She is a little jealous of her friends all having babies but she is taking it in stride. She is also taking in stride that her Daddy is starting a new job and we won't be going back to the old office. She goes back and forth about school. One day she is excited and the next she wants to know why I can't go with her.