My New Years Resolution is to talk about my thoughts, dreams and whatever else happens to be on my mind. I do very well at keeping up Anna's blog. However, keeping up with mine always seems to fall through the cracks. So that is my new years resolution.
Starting tomorrow!!!
Just kidding!!! I work for a residential contractor 4 days a week. It's not a bad job. It pays the bills and stuff but boy do I hate being away from Anna those 4 days. Also, to add insult to injury - I am so ready for baby #2. We just can't financially swing it until I either a) find a way to work from home or b) we find a way for me to be a stay at home mom. So I am stuck doing a job that I don't love staying away from the baby that I do love. Well, that is enough of my pity party!!!
On to better and brighter things. I am married to a wonderful if sometimes maddening man. We have been together for 16 years total. He is currently working on his Masters Degree. Trying to make it possible for me to stay home and have baby #2. Can I hear you say awwwww!?! He is doing spectacular in his chosen field. It makes things a little rough since he is in class 3 nights a week but hopefully it will be well worth it in the long run.